Monday, February 13, 2012

Cinnamon Dough Hearts

In Story Times this week we have been making Cinnamon Heart Decorations. We made cinnamon scented  dough ahead of time, and during Story Time kids rolled it out and used cookie cutters to to make heart decorations.  The recipe for the dough comes from "Mudworks" by MaryAnn Kohl.  It's full of every kind of clay and dough recipe you can think of, and it's one of my favorite craft books. You get a completely different result depending on whether you bake the clay or let it air dry: the heart on the left was air-dried, and the one on the left was baked. When I use this clay at home I bake it because the house smells so good! Click here to print the recipe.Note: this dough is not edible.


Susan Schwake said...

hey these are great projects!!! you didn't tell me about this fabulous blog!!! thanks for a lovely afternoon of crafting mayhem!!

Géria said...

Boa noite, eu fiz a receita da massa de canela, segui todos os passos, mas infelizmente depois de assado não ficou cheiro nenhum.

Marie said...

Rogeria's comment translated:
Good evening, I made cinnamon dough recipe, follow all the steps, but unfortunately after cooking was not any smell.

Hi Rogeria,

Letting the cinnamon clay dry rather than cooking it results in a better scent. i also found that the baked hearts started to crumble and break, and the air dried ones did not. I like the color of the baked ones better, so the next time i male them i might try adding some food coloring to the clay to get a nice brown color once they have dried. If you try it, please let me know how it turns out.

I apologize for any errors in the translation, i don't speak Portuguese, and am relying on
Google translator!

Rogéria Bom dia,

Obrigado pelo seu comentário! Deixando a canela argila seca, em vez de cozinhá-lo resulta em uma melhor perfume. Eu também achei que os corações assados ​​começou a ruir e quebrar, e os ar seco não o fez. Eu gosto da cor dos mais cozidos melhores, então da próxima vez eu masculino eles eu poderia tentar adicionar algum corante alimentar à argila para obter uma cor marrom agradável, uma vez que secaram. Se você tentar isso, por favor, deixe-me saber como fica.

Peço desculpas por qualquer erro na tradução, eu não falo Português, e estou contando com o tradutor do Google!
